From the opening scene through the end of the show the viewer witnesses Cory’s attempts to please and impress the adults in his life. His admiration of grown-ups, along with his character’s portrayal of the stereotypical “imperfect child,” makes this a very adult-centered text.

Furthermore, several errors in grammar and sentence structure interfere with meaning (e.g., “This statement looks like logical, but there are some wrong sentences in it which is not logical”). Furthermore, the final paragraph makes some extraneous, unsupported assertions of its own. Paragraph 1 offers reasons why the first assumption is questionable (e.g., residents may not have the necessary time or money for water sports). Similarly, paragraphs 2 and 3 explain that riverside recreational facilities may already be adequate and may, in fact, produce additional income if usage increases.

Look At The Assignment Critically

You can read a few examples of reaction papers to understand how other students or professional writers have done it. But don’t copy or paraphrase them because plagiarism is frowned upon by the academic community. Typically, an academic reaction paper is a 5-paragraph structure. It includes the introduction, the central part, and a conclusion. You should devote 1 paragraph to the first and the last section each and come up with at least 3 paragraphs for the central part. First, you may be asked to give personal opinions concerning a certain theme in a book. In this case, the opinions that you give should be centered on your personal experience and the knowledge you have on the topic.

preparing your reaction paper

She believed that they could never locate their way out of the woods because they were mere children, and would have no adult to guide them. He is able to use this stereotype about children against his parents, ultimately tricking them into thinking he is incapable of “adult like” complex thinking and planning. By, having the ability to outsmart the adults, Hansel proved to have a great amount of agency. The mother has engrained rhetorical analysis essay help the children with the importance of being kind to everyone. Yet another image of the children, in this adult-centered text, is when they follow the directions of their mother even when she is not there. By listening to the mother and her knowledge, the story had a happy ending. Snow-white and Rose-red prove that children are good and follow the direction of adult figures even when the adult may not be present.

Writing The Review

This assumption is that the budget for another part of cit maintenance or building will be tapped into to. In addition, to the budget being used to clean up Mason River, it will also be allocated in increasing riverside recreational facilites. The government is trying to appease its residents, and one can warrant that the role of the government preparing your reaction paper is to please the people. There are many assumptions being made; however, the government can not make the assumption that people want the river to be cleaned so that they can use it for recreational water activities. The government has to realize the long term effects that their decision will have on the monetary value of their budget.

preparing your reaction paper

Probably, the most important thing is to thank your funding agency or the agency giving you a grant or fellowship. The abstract tells prospective how to write a good why us essay readers what you did and what the important findings in your research were. Together with the title, it’s the advertisement of your article.


Stay tuned for more tutorials on all things related to thriving in college. The phrases “existing in the world” and “shared paradigm” mean almost the same thing. As do the phrases “mutual conventions” and “cultural overlap.” The author is essentially re-saying what was just previously stated, but in a more specific way or with different vocabulary. Not how the ideas from each paragraph come together in the transition. For this step-by-step tutorial of thesis examples, we’re going to break things down for super efficiency so you can create the backbone of the paper. To generate ideas, you’ve got a few options.Free writingis often popular, but it can be really time consuming, and also not particularly helpful for research papers. As well, some profs advise talking it out with a friend, which can be distracting.

  • In the case of a reaction essay, the first sentence should contain both the title of the work to which you are responding and the name of the author.
  • But still, if you are time-constrained, you can go for some paid paper writing services as well.
  • He accepts the fact that he is inferior to adults, a point which I do not like about the episode, but a typical adult-centered characteristic.
  • The second part should contain your personal thoughts on the subject.
  • The creatures are extremely imaginative, but even though they are fantastic, they are not in any way threatening, for threatening and scary creatures are a no-no in the typical case prototype.
  • Avoid using jargon, uncommon abbreviations and references.

Besides the three main parts, a reaction paper constitutes the citation list. Read the text you are assigned right after it is assigned. To complete a reaction paper, you don’t just read, give your opinion, and turn in the paper. A reaction paper synthesizes the texts, which means you take the information you read and bring it together so you can analyze preparing your reaction paper and evaluate. A reaction is a thoughtful consideration after reading and rereading several times. Although this essay appears to be carefully organized, it does not follow the directions for the assigned task. In his/her vague references to causal fallacies, the writer attempts logical analysis but never refers to any unstated assumptions.

How To Write A Response Paper

There is nothing wrong with a transition word here and there, but they are very easy to overuse. Most blogs, likethis one,this one, andthis onemake using transition words an important part of this process. It’s clear here that people’s abilities to communicate define characteristics of essay writing their cultural importance. This idea is loosely connected to another idea the author is writing toward—that those unique cultural differences are often the culprit for communication breakdown. —clarity of the argument, arguable thesis, and well-organized ideas!

Remember that in the body of the paper you are obliged to deal specifically with each element of the production that you mentioned in the introduction and thesis. The review assignment asks you to analyze in an objective manner the relative success or failure of a given production. Note that you are not asked simply to summarize the plot or give an opinion regarding the text of the play being mounted; your review must be grounded in the production itself. Your job is to describe the production accurately, and then to render a value judgment of it based upon what you have seen and what you expected.